
Friday, June 20, 2008

Illustration Friday: Hoards

I did a lot of these library book drawings; more than a hundred of them. They all sold, but I eventually burned out on doing them, and with the economy tanking, I took a second job and laid "art," such as it is, aside in favor of keeping on top of the bills. I have not done any art for a few months. Besides, who could afford to buy this stuff anyway?

But I got this call Wednesday evening from a man who had bought many pieces from me over the last year. He had opened a shop somewhere up in Canada where a lot of cruise ships come in, and he had some of those pieces in the shop.

His shop sells just recycled art stuff; nothing new. He was so excited to tell me how a man had come in and fallen in love with this piece and bought it for his mother who was a librarian at the Detroit Public Library for twenty-some years.

It reminded me that sometimes you do something that makes someone happy. How great is that? There have never actually been "hoards" of buyers for my work. It is just drawings of dead people on trash. But making someone happy is renewing.

He wants some more work, so I guess I'd better get on the go and do some stuff.